Bulk Suspend Google Workspace Users with GW Manager

Welcome to GW Manager. One of our customers recently reached out to us. 

He wanted to bulk suspend users in Google Workspace. Let me show you how you can do that with GW Manager. 

I'll go to my Google sheet, click on extensions, and I should see GW Manager. 

If you need help with installation instructions, please visit our website, gwmanager.com.

Click on launch, to launch GW Manager in the sidebar. 

Once it is launched, you'll first need to insert a sheet, so you can tell it which users to suspend, and for that you have two options, either under features, you can go to manage utilities, and click on insert all sheets, execute, which will insert all the sheets right here at the bottom.

For now, I will just go to manage users, click on update users, insert sheet and click on execute, which will only insert update users sheet. 

It is asking me for a primary email address. It is required as it shows an asterisk, so I will put email addresses here of the users that I want to suspend. 

If I want to update any other property, like their email, first name, last name, password, et cetera, I can enter it, otherwise, it'll be retained as it is. 

I just need to suspend them. So I will go to suspend, and here I can write TRUE and then copy it like this. 

I'll go back to my users list, and if I go to legal, I see that all of them are active here, and under sales, I have all of them active here too.

I need to suspend all of them. So I've provided the information. I will click on Run update users, and click on Execute. 

At this time, GW Manager will start suspending these users based on your information and within a few seconds, it'll let us know the status. 

It says that it has updated all the information. 

We will go to the users list. Here, we will do a quick reload, and we see that all of those suspended here. And under sales we see that these users are suspended too. 

This is how you can quickly suspend multiple users in Google Workspace with GW Manager. 

You can do much more with it, for more information, please visit our website, gwmanager.com

Thank you for reading. 

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