Export Google Workspace Custom Schema with GW Manager

Bulk Export Google Workspace Custom Schema with GW Manager

Welcome to GW Manager. 

In this video, I'll show you how you can export Google Workspace custom schema and custom fields in Google Sheet with GW Manager. 

For that, I'll go to my Google sheet and click on extensions, I should see GW Manager here. 

If you need help with installation, please visit our GW manager Installation guide here. 

For now, I'll click on launch, to launch GW manager in the sidebar. 

Install and Launch GW Manager - google sheets add-on for google workspace admins

Once it is launched, we will first need to insert the sheet where GW Manager can export our Google Workspace custom schema. 

And for that we have two options, either we can go to manage utilities and click on insert all sheets, execute, which will insert all the sheets here at the bottom, so that you can deal with any of these modules.

For now, I'll go to Manage Custom Schema, under that, I will go to export custom schema.

GW Manager recognizes that we do not have export custom schema sheets inserted yet, and it is asking us to do that now. 

So we'll click on Execute.

Insert export Custom schemes sheet in GW Manager.

GW Manager has inserted an export schema sheet here, which says no input required because we are just exporting the schema.

I will select Export custom schema and then click on Execute

No Input  found in  export schema sheet  because we are exporting schema.

Within a few seconds, GW Manager has exported the custom schema, which includes schema ID, schema display name, field id, field display name, the type of data that this custom field has, is it a single line or multiline value, and also who can read this custom attribute value.

GW Manager has exported the custom schema in GW Manager

If I go to my custom attributes in Google Workspace Admin console and do a quick reload, you will see that under personal details, we have four custom fields.

In Admin Console will see custom fields in both details

Under employment details, we have two custom fields, so two custom schemas, six custom attribute fields. 

If we come here, we have two  custom schemas and six custom attribute fields.

Export your custom schema and custom attribute fields in Google Sheet with GW Manager.

This is how you can quickly export your custom schema and custom attribute fields in Google Sheet with GW Manager. 

You can do much more with GW Manager, and we are constantly adding new features based on customer feedback. 

To learn more, please visit our website, gwmanager.com

Thank you for reading. 

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