Bulk Delete Google Workspace Groups with GW Manager

Welcome to GW Manager. 

In this video, I will show you how you can delete multiple groups in Google Workspace with GW Manager.

I'll go to my Google sheet and click on extensions, here I should see GW Manager. 

If you need help with the installation, please visit our website, gwmanager.com

For now, I'll click on launch to launch GW Manager in the sidebar. 

Once it is launched, we will first need to insert a delete groups' sheet, so that we can provide information on which groups we want to delete. 

And for that we have two choices, from feature, either we can go to manage utilities and click on insert all sheets, execute, which will insert all the sheets so that you can perform any of these functions.

But for now, I only want to insert a delete group sheet, so for that I can go to manage groups, click on delete groups, and GW Manager recognizes that we don't have delete groups sheet yet, and it says insert sheet. 

So we'll click on Execute, and GW Manager will insert the sheet called delete groups.

It is asking us to provide the email address of the groups that we want to delete as it has an asterisk, which means this information is required. 

I've already copied my group's email address as, so I'll paste it. If you need group email addresses, you can also use our export groups feature.

You can visit our website, GW Manager to look at the video where we show you how you can export all of your groups in Google sheet. 

As I've already added group email, I can go ahead and run delete groups, but before that, let me show you my group's list.

If I go to my admin console and do a quick reload, you will see that we have around nine or 10 groups here.

One thing I want you to notice as we are providing a couple of wrong email addresses intentionally, so we have training and we have support. 

However, in Google we have a training department and customer service, so these two are wrong Email addresses for our groups. 

Now I'll click on Run Delete Groups and click on Execute.

At this time, GW Manager will start deleting all of these groups and very soon it will help us understand the result of the group deletion task. 

It says, everything went fine. All the groups are deleted. 

I'll go back to the groups list in Google Workspace and do a quick reload.

and you will see that all the groups are deleted.

The reason that these two groups were also deleted, even the email address didn't match support and training is because these two were aliases of those groups.

So even if you put the group alias email, it will still delete the group. Please be cautious when running this. 

This is how you can quickly delete groups in Google Workspace from your Google sheet.

You can do much more with GW Manager and we are constantly adding new features based on customers' feedback. 

To learn more, please visit our website, gwmanager.com

Thank you for reading. 

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