Uninstall GW Manager
You might need to uninstall GW Manager (may be to troubleshoot or break up with us, though we are sad to see you go, we still want to make it flexible respecting your choice.
You can uninstall GW Manager from the Google Admin portal, or from google sheet.
Let me show you both options one by one.
Uninstall GW Manager from Google Workspace Admin Portal:
- Login to your Google Workspace Admin Panel
- Go to Applications
- Click on Marketplace Applications
- Find GW Manager and click on it
Now click on Uninstall
Confirm to Google that you want to uninstall GW Manager
GW Manager has now been successfully uninstalled and you will not see in your marketplace anymore.
If you need to re-install it, please follow our installation guide.
Uninstall GW Manager from Google Sheets:
- Go to google sheet Extensions Menu
- Hover on Add-Ons
- Click on Manage Add-ons
Find GW Manager from your installed list of add-ons, and click on three dots
Click on Uninstall from the options
Confirm that you want to uninstall GW Manager by clicking on Uninstall button
GW Manager is now uninstalled.
If you were troubleshooting (or changed your mind) and want to re-install, please follow our GW Manager installation guide.
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